Bos Configurator Character Display Problem

ignazio cannizzaro 1 week ago in bOS Configurator updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 1 week ago 3

Hi after the last update the characters are displayed as in the screenshot.

Problema present on every pc

Solutions on how to solve?


Image 5274

I'm also on the latest version, but i haven't seen this bug yet. 
Try server reload - In configurator its under the "hamburger" icon on the right upper corner.
If this doesn't help try reinstalling bOS configurator.

hello and thanks but I didn't solve the problem.

On every pc installed configurator I have this problem.

If its on windows server then check if its .net is updated: https://support.comfortclick.com/communities/4/topics/10940-comfortclick-411x-update-issues 
Server full reboot? Or make ticket so bOS support can take a look at it.