Under review

Micromaster 2000

Giordano Olmi 3 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 1

Good morning Devid,
I have a customer who asks me to integrate the system you see in the link into bOS.

Micromaster 2000 - RMS GUI Structure - general description (Ver. 1.20)

Can you do the integration in bOS?
Can you offer me a cost estimate for the integration?
Best regards

Under review

Hello Giordano,

judging by the manuals you provided it seems to be a stand alone device using its' own protocol and it does not look like it has open API. There is mentioned ModBus Vitrum peripheral but only for Wheel_Touch function. If there is available gateway or API then the connection may be possible but judging by the manual it does not look like it would be.

Best regards