Under review

One shot button

Marco Magnani 8 years ago in General updated 8 years ago 4

Dear support,

I got the need to use in my application a button (to open the entrance door). It must be a one shot button (pulse button) and not the classic switch button.

How do I need to set up the button in Bos in order to work as pulse button?

Can you help me?


Under review


in configurator, you can select your button and under Appearance, Style, switch from Automatic to Button. This will make your classic switch button to pulse button.



sorry but it doesn't works: it changes only the look and field... and not the button behavior!

I need a button that until is not pressed the value 0, when I press it became 1 and when I release it come back to 0 again in automatic (pulse button)

In Operation there are some setting of teh button behaviour (togle, set, label, etc) but not teh one that I need

How can I do it?




under Operations, using the MouseDownButton function should make your button set to active when button is pressed(and hold) and set to false when the button is released.



tnx it works... But I noticed a bug: show confirmation dialog box is enabled but it doses t show up! Instead it works when we set teh button to toggle or set

can you fix it?
