Under review

problems installing bos configurator

koen Brants 3 years ago in General updated 3 years ago 4

On windows, I was unable to nstall the configurator.

The msi file downloaded, but running it shows no response 

Starting in commnad line shows "access denied"

Under review

Hello Koen,

can you provide a bit more information? Did you also install the bOS server or are you connecting to another server?

Running the bOS Config.exe file from the desktop doesn't?

Any additional information will help us resolve this problem.

Best regards

I have a comfortclick jigsaw in m knx installation. I want to install the bos configurator in order to adjust the setup.

I downloaded it from    our link : https://www.comfortclick.com/BOS/Software/BOSConfig

When I run the msi installer, it sas access denied (in cmd line).

I did not see a bOS Config.exe file.

Hello Koen,

very strange to see your windows not even allowing to install. Which version of Windows do you have installed?

It may be a good idea if we schedule a remote teamviewer session and check the problem together and resolve it.

You can email us at support@comfortclick.com for the details and we can arrange a short meeting.

Best regards,


I installed a virtual windows on my Mac, and stopped trying it on my older laptop (windows 10 however)