Under review

New 4.8 Android app keeps crashing

Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago in bOS Client updated 4 years ago 10


Anyone else having this problem? My bOS on android started crashing today. Clearing the cache or rebooting the phone does not help. This has happened before with older versions too but not for some time now. And I have too many projects to restore now. Please think some account backup thingy so we could backup and restore All projects we had in there. 

Image 3245

It kind of started the same way as the last time i lost all my projects. I was just making some updates, logged in and logged out after checking them and then when I wanted to change accounts it would just crash - after that I tried rebooting the phone and clearing cache. Its really pain in the arse to restore them manually as I don't have them all under my account but I still need the access.

Best regards

Hey there Jürgen,

So far so good, no problems on the Android app here (4.8).

I have a mix of old and new projects on the app (both older and recent versions of the servers), and they are all working, and the app doesn't crash when opening / normal use.

Best regards

Must be my bad luck then...

Another thing is that's weird is when the client is logged in and you press the middle "take me to home screen" button, it logs the client out. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pE0WMOSfLK_w_xWwXa5NpZapEoep0bhf/view?usp=sharing


I can also confirm that the home button logs out the client (can't say if it logs out or if it kills the app, whatever).

Good catch.

Let's wait for bOS team to see this posts.

Best regards


The home button doesn't appear to log out the client: if I press the home button, the app goes to the background, just like the other apps. And if I press the recent/overview button on Android, I can go back to app perfectly.

Instead, if I try to open the app by clicking again on the app icon, either on the home screen or the app list, then instead of just pulling the already opened bOS app, it actually looks like it's opening the app from zero, and therefore have to login again.

Can you also confirm that Jürgen?

I guess it might be a bug.

So, a resume to the bOS team:

- Open the Android app and login on a random account

- Click on the home button (the app goes background)

- Instead of returning to the app via the dedicated button/gesture of Android, click on the app icon

- The app starts from zero, instead of pulling the existing process to the foreground.

Btw, I also support the idea of having a possibility to backup the existing accounts on the bOS clients, just like Jürgen suggested.

Best regards

Yep, you are correct, home button doesn't log out but reopening the app from the home screen does.

Under review


thank you for reporting this issue, we're already checking the apps and we'll try to resolve the issue asap.

Best regards,


A new version was released today.

Problem solved Jürgen. Can you confirm if you still have the app crash?

Best regards


indeed a new version was released, addressed the issues you mentioned, let us know your feedback, great to hear things improved on your side Ricardo.

Best regards,


Yep the app now opens from home screen without logging it out. Thanks for the fix!

I already had to delete all data, as i needed to use the app, so i dont know if it has the random crash bug that lost my accounts.