Under review

Controller on the COMFORTCLICK website it is always OFFLINE

Jose Puig 3 years ago in General updated 3 years ago 10

Good morning:

Not long ago I had to buy a new SDCARD for my JIBSAW as it had broken down.

The JIBSAW works correctly, but I never see the OnLine controller on the COMFORTCLICK website. It is always OFFLINE, even if you press REFRESH in the BOS CONFIG.

It also happens to me that the link with ALEXA works but it ends up saying that the device does not respond. It is also not able to discover new devices.

Apparently everything is correct.

I have activated and deactivated your SKILL, the link does it perfectly, but I can't get it to fully work.

I think it has to do with the server's communication with COMFORTCLICK.

Anyone have any idea what may be happening to me.

Thanks in advance to everyone.

Jose Puig

Under review


You can also try and set the server to static IP and set the DNS to google's default dns ( and reboot and check again server shows as Online.

If not, we can schedule a remote session and check the situation together.

Best regards.

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have already tried that, it is already currently as you mention. I had a lot of problems with the card update and finally had to send the server to COMFORTCLICK.

As I say it works perfectly, minus that.


you can contact me directly and we can schedule a remote session and check the problem together and try to resovle it.


Best regards.

I have the same issue. Controller is working but on comfortclick website show's offline


did you try and set the server to static IP and set the DNS to google's default dns ( and reboot and check again server shows as Online.

If not, we can schedule a remote session and check the situation together.

Best regards.

I think it must be a bad DNS resolution in some areas. I have tried everything. And you have connected remotely to the server several times, I have sent the server twice to Slovenia and the problem persists. Everything works, except the discovery of new Alexa devices, Alexa cannot answer reading data, such as temperature, humidity, etc. If the old commands to actuators work but it always answers that the device does not respond. Quite uncomfortable. 

As I was telling you, I think that it may be that in some places there is a DNS failure, it happened to me without further ado, without changes to the router or in the router. And no matter how much we have done together, we have not succeeded. Could you indicate me, with the purpose of verifying if in my zone the DNS resolves well, what is the address? 

All the best

Or if you can give me a Slovenian DNS server address that I can test

Another option you could try, make your own dns address with noip.com. Have it running on your server. Ive had to use this method and it still works great, alexa too. 

Thank you. I will try it of course, although I already have it in DYNDNS, it works fine, I access by name. all ports are accessible, Alexa finds it. The problem is that the server cannot find Alexa, I understand that it first communicates with the COMFORTCLICK cloud and this with Alexa.

The problem is in the responses from the server to ALEXA