Under review

Out of memory bug

Артём Хииску 5 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 3


This morning I was able to make some changes in my project, but I have received Out of memory ERROR message. I made backup and have done reload in configurator. After all I was logged out from configurator and wasn't able to connect back. I did service monitor restart, but it didn't helped, then I did full server reload, but still can't connect. Can you tell me how to solve this problem? It is mine the biggest project and all apartments just crashed. 

All the data about server is correct, User is correct and Password also correct.

Waiting to yours soonest answer.

Best regards,


Image 2593


I had some similar problems with my server. By editing some frames, suddenly the server started to answer very slow. In the end the configurator showed me an "out of memory" message. I was able to start again the configurator but the server was still moving very slow. Even the commands to different equipment were sent with delays. I've restarted the server and now seems to be OK.

Unfortunately I did not make any screenshots.

By the way, are there any limitation in the number of displays defined on a bOS Colibri server? Does anybody have some limitation list for this (number of devices, number of programs used, etc...).



Ok. I've done it again. Here is me trying to change the image parameter for a simple button which controls the brightness of some hue lights. Look what I've got.

Unfortunately after all this the server becomes extremely slow in reactions so the only way to revive it is to restart it.

What am I doing wrong? Did I reach any limits?

Sorry Artjom for using your post but seems to be quite a similar problem with yours.



Under review


Artjom, did you try with the default credentials as well? Could be an issue with restoring the configuration and it's expecting a default password. Also, which version of bOS did this happen on? On our latest beta releases, we improved the stability and optimisation of the software as there were a couple of out of memory errors that occurred on on very big projects.

Also, it would help us greatly if you could send us the configuration so we can check it and improve even further.

If the password is lost we can also try and retrieve it if you send the configuration.

You can send the configuration to: support@comfortclick.com

Best regards,