Did anyone have any success with controlling air conditioning or shutters through Google Home?

Tomasz Michalak 4 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by Gruyère Energie SA 4 years ago 7

Did anyone have any success with controlling air conditioning or shutters through Google Home?

air conditioning?


Have you seen this? 

Yes. I have seen.
Lights and sockets work for me.

But I can't configure the air conditioning, shutters or gates.

The icon appears in google home but with the gear icon. And its not working.

Does anyone have a screenshot of the air conditioning or shutter configuration? Which items must be completed?




For shutters, I choose:

Device Type: Blinds

Choose the Open/Close trait

Open Percent value: insert the KNX percentage shutter value

Invert Value: True

For me it works. It shows as a blind image, even though it doesn't show any percentagem or controls on Google Home app, but it works with voice commands, like "Open office shutter", etc.

As for air conditioning, I can't help you that. But probably is to be used with On/Off trait, Modes, TemperatureControl or TemperaturaSetting traits, can't say, you need to test it

Thanks Ricardo.

I found that:


And everything becomes simple.

I have full control over the gate, thermostats and blinds.

For thermostat to work correctly it must be set Mode node with unit for value descriptions "heat" and "cool".
For blinds you must set On/Off trait  (0,1) for "turn" command and open/close trait (0-100%) for  open/close command.


Yes it work for me but the slates not works, because Google not support this feature.

The thermostat work on Google Home display ? Because for me the thermostat display only the actual value and not the setting value.


1. Create Mode for Google Asisstant

2. define descriptions "cool" and "heat"

3. crate Program for setting value - for example:

4 Use created Mode in API/Google Smart Home - Temperature Setting Trait

It will sent to google status of thermostat cool or heat

Finaly :

Ok thank you for the nice exemple. Google can just control the predefine mode. In my case I have juste the heat always. The real mode of KNX would have been nice.