Under review

doorbird got to panel when ring

Gruyère Energie SA 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 3


I find how to go directly to the panel with control doorbird when doorbell rings.

With the task-> programm don't working.

Is this function implemented ?

Under review


ShowPanel function works with bOS. To properly configure the function, in your Program task, select correct trigger (doorbell ringing) and select Run function. Go to General/Users node and under Functions select ShowPanel function, select your desired panel and once the doorbell rings, devices under this user will show the panel.

Best regards.


I try your configuration but not working.

See the printscreen of configuration


as mentioned in the first response, select Run function and go to General/users node and select the correct user and use ShowPanel function.

Best regards.