Under review

api menu where is?

Juan Morales 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by Bernhard Haba 4 years ago 9

Where is the menu to add API's?

Image 2206

Under review


which version of bOS is this running on? API node was added in 4.4.x version, try updating to the latest version, API should be there.

Best regards,


If I create a new project, the API menu appears, but when recovering a Backup file, it disappears again. Do I have to create the project from the beginning? I can not recover an old project and add more features?

Thank you.


Seems there was a problem when updating. You can try and use Import function to add API into your new configuration, or use Import function to import old configuration manually instead of starting from scratch.

Best regards.


I'm having the same problem. No API folder. And when I try to import the API from another "healthy" configuration I can't. No Add or Merge or Replace possible.

How can we fix that?

The server is in 4.6.26 version.

Thank you.


Try to repair the server software. It might fix the issue.


Hello Fabien.

Thanks. Were do I have the tool (button) to repair the server?

Thank you.

Simply reinstall the last version, it will launch the "repair" of the software. If you have a backup, you can also remove the soft completely and reinstall it from scratch then upload the backup again... The second way often is more "reliable" in the result...


Thanks Fabien!

Best regards.