Under review

reboot Jigsaw from program

Andy Gill 6 years ago in bOS Server updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 3 months ago 5

Is it possible to reboot a Jigsaw from a program?

Under review


for now, it is not possible to restart the server using program task.

Best regards,


For me this is also actual topic.

Tell me please now it is possible to restar the server using program task or is another way to do this?

Thank you!


Hello Janis,

this feature isn't planned for release at this point.

Best regards.


Is the "device/task" Computer now deprecated? I remember that it used to work. It still shows the online status of my server, but the sleep, shutdown and wake up commands didn't work anymore. I had the client running on server when I tested it. Also correct ip and mac.

Image 5114

This "start program" task still works as a good "troll" command that restarts the clients windows instead, if started with bOS client for windows. 

Image 5115