Under review

Push notifications issue

Noel Fuentes 6 years ago in bOS Server updated 6 years ago 4


We're experiencing some issues with push notifications in one of our latest bOS. The thing is, at some point, the users stop receiving push notifications.

When this happens, we delete the clients, under the user menu, and once the users logout and in again, it works again for some time.

Any tip on this?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

Under review


on which OS does this happen? Is it on Android/iOS or both?

Best regards.


There is one use profile and two clientes. Both are Android devices.

Best regards.


thank you for reporting this issue, the tokens of android devices sometime refresh, causing this issue. We are working on a solution regarding this.

Best regards.

Hello again,

Is there a known reason why this tokens refresh? So we could try to prevent this to happen somehow.

Best regards.