Under review
Time and Date in Analog Log Chart
Why Time appears in 12 hour form and Date as mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy, in Analog Log Chart?
Customer support service by UserEcho
bOS normally uses the host computer data format and timezone.
You can also check and change it on Building node > General > Time
Best regards
Hi Ricardo,
Than you for your reply.
As you can see, the time is set to 24h and the date to dd/mm/yyyy.
It is also bizzare that, in the CSV file, the date is correct but the time not (12 hour)!!!
This is what I get in Analog Log:
I think that David Boben has to give us an answer...
You're right, never noticed that... on my bOS I also have dd/mm/YYYY and the charts show as mm/dd/YYYY and AM/PM...
I guess that I never payed attention to that :-D
Someone will take a look at that for sure.
Best regards
Hi Guys,
Not sure why, but my charts are in the correct 24h and european date format, like in the Time Building node setup and server setup (latest bOS version on a Grinder).
Just an idea: did you set it up properly on the server itself (not via bOS node) ?
Yes, I have my server with the correct time zone, country, currency etc...
An in bOS Configurator it shows the correct format.
But just like Michael, my charts are in mm/dd/YYYY and AM/PM format.
Best regards
been fiddling around with this for some time now, because it's been working normally for me, but i've found out that the time format is linked to your language selected in your client.. If you have your client language in English, the time zone will be AM/PM, but if you change the language to your language, the timezone should change and be displayed correctly.
I've also opened a ticket in our developing plan regarding this, so we can try and add a function to select which format you wish to display 12h or 24h.
Thank you for reporting this and expect the added function in our future release.
Best regards, David
I use my phone in English, but my Windows 10 client is in Portuguese and I'm almost sure that it displays the charts in mm/dd/YYYY.
Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
The fact that this is a Language Setting issue, passed from my mind when I saw the reply of Fabien Fuster. I thought: "He is either French or Spaniard (Is it so?!!). So, he uses a language setting different from English".
Before checking it out, the reply from David came.
I changed to French and ...bingo!
I changed to French, for another reason, also. In Greek the date appears as ddmmYYYY but the time as AM/PM
You can check for yourselves, by choosing the different languages.
A good day to you all.
Bingo ! I'm french...
Even if most of the time I'm using the english language in my soft, I prefered to have bOS and the server fully configured for the French language. Therefore didn't realize this issue...
I agree with Ricardo, the setting choice should be fully "cutomizable" to fit everyone needs.
I tried Michael tip, and it actually works.
But, for example:
I'm Portuguese. But I do prefer to use my Smartphone in English language. And I try to use every App in English.
Therefore, I think it would make sense to use the language of our choice, and still choose the correct time / date format.
So I think it's something that can be improved on the next versions.
Best regards