
Free space on disk and more ...

Nicolae Stefan 7 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 7

How can i see free disk space for Jigsaw controller? (very useful: CPU temperature / load, free / load RAM, bad block for microSD, uptime ...)

Many thanks!

Under review


currently this is not possible with this version of bOS, this is planned for our next version of bOS.

Best regards.

I would also like to monitor this. When is next version released?


Bumping this thread as it's a hot lead on my current issues with JigSaw... 

@ComfortClick Support? 



hardware monitor is planned to be released in next update, probably by the end of May.

Best regards.

we have implemented this improvement?

Best regards

Hello Lucas,

the system monitoring is being worked on. Its currently already available in the BETA release and when a new stable release will be out, it will be included there as well.

To monitor your current status of the server, simply select your Building node and select Values tab.

Best regards,