Connecting remotely from another country

Osama Al-Areky 2 weeks ago in bOS Configurator updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 1 week ago 4


I am trying to connect remotely to my server to Bos configurator from far location, another country, is it a possible thing? I thought I would be able to do that with the public IP address but this doesn't work and it shows me the error message on the photo below. Is there something missing or should I do something else to connect or it is maybe impossible to conenct remotely from another country?  

Image 5267


You need to do one of the following:

  • Forward the correct ports so you can use bOS remotely, in this case port 443 for HTTPS (free)
    • Register the device on the Controllers List and update the public IP and ports
    • Or
    • Use an external service like NoIP or DynDNS, etc
    • Use the Remote Access from ComfortClick (paid service), no need to forward ports
    • Use a VPN service

        On the first option, as a free service that you can do it yourself, you can forward port 443 directly to port 443, or with a little extra safety which is forward lets say external port 60443 to internal 443 (you can do this in every router). Don't forget to add the correct port to the Controllers List (example:

        Best regards

        Thank you, and then when i put the user information would it look like something like this? 

        Image 5271

        It also may be some regional blocking - check if you can ping your routers WAN IP. If you have it forwarded already but it wont ping then try a vpn. Another easy to setup virtual LAN/VPN is Zerotier.

        Also looking at the picture you have / slash instead of : - So the port is not correct. ip should be https://IP:PORT