
bos configuration gone after windows update

KuunoL 2 months ago in bOS Server updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 2 months ago 4

Today after windows 11 update, bos server started with blank/new configration. All default passwords and no license data. Thanks to tip from Jürgen here I checked for configuration data in windows folders. I found that after update windows renamed original folder to windows.old thus all configration data stayed there.

I stopped the services and copied bos data fro old folder back to current and all started working but for a moment i was worried :)

so this is something to work on for ComfortClick team or validate if windows folder is a good place to hold configuration data

Good that the config was still there. 

Not related to this but I have two servers that rollback to 4.10.11 and 4.10.14 version after windows update/reboot. As these are huge buildings/installs I haven't had the "balls" to update them anymore. Still testing 4.11.x versions to be sure.

The same thing happened to me. What files do I need to copy to restore bOS to working order?

The whole building folder. First shut down bOS service. Then copy the whole building folder back and start bOS service again.

Client and config profiles are saved here:

Building data is moved here: