bOS client 4.8.12 cannot open other Apps

Francois Lesueur 4 months ago in bOS Client updated 2 months ago 2

It's all in the title : bOS client 4.8.12 cannot open other Apps.

There was no issues on 4.8.11 : I could open other Apps like Sonos. Since I upgraded to 4.8.12, this is not working anymore. 

Tested on iPadOS 12.5.7 and iPadOS 18.0 and iPadOS 17.7 - not working on any of those OS.

Hello Francois,

Still working on Android here, tested with both Windows and Android links, with links like:

Android: com.sonos.acr2

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\SonosV2\Sonos.exe (depending on the installation folder)

I can't test with iOS as I don't have any iOS device, but the url it's still supposed to be sonos://

I suppose that from 4.8.11 to 4.8.12 there wasn't any iOS update, so I assume that something might be broken on the newer bOS version? You can open a ticket to be quicker for the ComfortClick team to see it.

Best regards

Hi Ricardo, 

Sorry for my late answer ; for some reasons, I'm not getting alerts when someone replies to one of my post. 

It is now working. I didn't change anything, neither the client, nor the iOS ; and it's now working. It's a bit of a mystery, but I won't complain :-)

Best regards, 
