Under review

Pop up notification on Android

Diego Colic 5 months ago in bOS Client updated 4 months ago 9


Pop up notifications from bOS Client are not working on Andoird (at least for me). I have 2 Andoird phones and 1 iOS.

On iOS i do receive pop up notifications from bOS Client, while on Android i do not receive them.

I did enable notifications (for bOS Client app) on all phones.

Is there a problem with Andoird users?

Image 5073

Still not receiving any pop up notifications form bOS Client on Android (Alert messages).

I can confirm that my push notifications are also not working on android. I dont own any iOS devices so not sure about it.

Thanks for confirming my issue. I hope they will look into the matter.

Under review


we are aware of the issue and are already working on fixing the problem.

Best regards.

I also confirm, no push notifications on Android.

Any updates about the matter?



the push notifications should work now.

If you experience any issues, please let us know.

Best regards.

Works fine for me. Thank you for the fix!

Thank you for your time, it is working now.