Under review

Location based automations

Ioan 5 months ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 4 months ago 1

Hello everybody,

New guy in town here. I love the product so far, finally I've found a real automation platform, so for that, congrats.

I'm just searching everywhere and can't find simple location based triggers. I'm thinking I would have been able to see client mobile devices added in the tree and use location based triggers on those. Or be able to add any network device under "Computers" and work with that. Presence detection based on movement is fine for some automations but identifying who is home or not for example should be available.

Am I missing something?

Thank you,


Under review

Hello Ioan,

location triggers like these are quite tricky to be working normally like you want. Specially triggering devices from room to room, according to the users movements.

We had an idea a couple of years ago with small bluetooth devices, like chipolos for keys, where each room would be identified and then according to the device's movement, scenes would trigger, but it's not the most practical, so precise scenes would be extremely hard, however you can trigger specific devices or scenes if the user is in the local network.

In Configurator if you select your User and then select your desired device you can see when you connect bOS knows when connected and when connected with local connection as well.

So you could in theory use this local connection as IF in some tasks to trigger your scenes or devices..

Hope this helps! :)

Best regards.

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