From shelly, to knx

Alexandru Dumbrava 2 months ago in bOS Configurator updated by Martin Boehringer 1 month ago 2
Hello. I have a shelly 2.5, from which I use a channel to light a lamp. I would still like to use that channel from a knx switch, through the jigsaw server. How could I do this? I managed to give the KNX address the value of the channel, but I can't do the opposite. Thank you in advance for your answer.

Solved it. Just did a program that take my knx button as trigger (on change), and set the shelly channel to take the knx button value. 

Wish Shelly Gen 3  and pro, you can control them directly over IP you just need KNX router, this will give the advantage that the KNX  is better doccumented.