Under review

Web interface whitelist or autologin

Pablo Iranzo Gómez 5 months ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 4 months ago 3


I've devices in my network using the local IP that should get automatic login, so that in the case of a device restart, just opening the browser will show the CFC interface.

I saw some other reports that suggested *YEARS* ago an URL with Demo?user= but it's no longer working.

Is there a supported way to do so?

Under review

Hello Pablo,

you can login via browser automatically with correct login credentials following the url:

Replace "YOURIP" with the IP server of your server and change the User and Pass values with your correct Username and Password.

Best regards.

Thanks, this worked, but still requires to show IP/Pass, I'm using the devices in the network and I would prefer to get IP whitelisting so that those devices can autologin with a defined user (Fermax Integration) without having to use the keyboard. Everytime the screens reboot, and the Integra app is opened again, I asks for login details even if those were supposed to be saved.

Thanks in advance

Hello Pablo,

oh i see, undfortunately at this point that isn't possible, only the way i mentioned before, but we might add something like this in the future releases if it's highly requested.

Best regards.