Marco Antonio Fernandes 6 months ago in General updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 6 months ago 1

JIGSAW - J4085_20240124


We have a JIGSAW [J4085] in our testing laboratory, and it is showing an error, both in normal mode and in manual mode.

I returned to STRUXI after two years away, but I don't know what procedures were carried out prior to my return.

I put together a video with all the attempts to recover JIGSAW, but without success.

Can you help me?

Marco Antonio

Technical support



Make a support ticket and CC support will help you. 

In automatic mode - I believe if the public address is empty it takes a little longer to login with access id(you need to set the public address yourself from the controllers page when logged in to comfortclick.com). It first tries the public IP if that fails it will try the local IP.

In update manager if it shows red then it is updated to the latest version. Green means it has new update available. Mine is on v3 fw 4.10.4 but I think you should update bOS version first as yours is on 4.9.6. If that is updated try the system update manager.
Also can you try to reinstall the bOS configurator? Its strange that an empty jigsaw crashes the configurator.