A solution to fix the issue between Colibri bOS and PLC Logo! Siemens

LÊ NHÂN 10 months ago in General updated 10 months ago 2

My name is LE SINH NHAN, a technical engineer at www.bienphuc.com Company in Vietnam. We are currently implementing the Colibri + PLC Logo! Siemens solution, but we are having problems with controlling and displaying the status on bOS.

According to our research, other Scada systems typically have one bit for displaying the status and one bit for controlling, but bOS only has one bit that does both. We are looking for a solution to this problem.

We would appreciate your assistance.



Have you tested this? Under the modbus node you can also activate the status address. If this doesn't work you can try to link them with a program. So the program also monitor the status value and then controls actual switching. 

Image 4684

Thank you very much, it seems that my problem has been completely resolved.