Is it possible to upload any .mp3 audio file?

Fatlum Telaku 1 year ago in bOS Configurator updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago 1

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to import/upload an external .mp3 file from my PC into bOS configurator, but it is showing errors.
So, my question is, is it possible to import any .mp3 file from external sources (on the picture attached you can see better what I'm talking about)?.

Image 4586

Thanks in advance!



I'm not familiar with any limitation so far...

I've uploaded an entire song in mp3 into a Jigsaw to test it out, and it played. Unfortunately as it's a very long mp3 (a song in 320kbps format, not a short alert) it took a lot to load and to start playing (around 7s in this case), and during that time the visualization was "frozen").

Other than that, I'm not aware of any limitation in terms of mp3 format.

What's the format / encoding of the file you're using?

Best regards