Improve data in notifications.

Eloy Larrañaga 1 year ago in bOS Configurator updated 1 year ago 2

Good morning.

I have a query about server notifications. Currently, I send the notification with the trigger without any errors. From there, I would like to include the malfunction code (another group address) in the text string that will be received in case of an error.

Thank you in advance.


You can insert any variables available on bOS, to send together within the notifications.

In the "Values" part, you can choose the variables you would like to include in the notification, and then compose your notifications by inserting the values tags.


Image 4550

Is this the case?

Also, when sending e-mails, you can actually use simple html tags and CSS, to create rich content rather than just plain text.


E-mail with HTML tags/css (tip) / ComfortClick / ComfortClick

Best regards

That was exactly my case. I have finally been able to solve it. 

Thank you very much!