Under review

Jigsaw + GSM

Sem Craeghs 2 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick ComfortClick 1 year ago 6

Are there any plans (or it already exist?) to support a GSM module for the Jigsaw hardware device (by connecting to USB)

Hello Sem,

it's already supported. You can plug in a GSM modem into the Jigsaw server's USB, Go to General, Messaging and enable GSM. Set the GSM settings and then use the message task to send SMS or calls. Make sure you fill out the phone number under your user so bOS knows where to send the notification.

Best regards.

Great! Is there a list of supported USB GSM modems? What is the preferred product/solution?

Do you have any update on this? Currently the Jigsaw let me only select COM1 as the communication port.

Under review

Hello Sem,

what kind of GSM modem are you using for the integration? In some of our projects we use GSM modem from OSTENT and it works normally, simply plug into USB, select the correct COM port and fill out the connection settings according to the manual.

Best regards,

Well, it was just a question so we can buy a device that is supported by Comfortclick.

So with OSTENT Usb gsm modem everything should work fine?

Hello Sem,

well in theory, every USB modem should work, some better  than others.. We used OSTENT in a couple of projects with GSM Modem from Vonage and it worked normally for us. We also received some complaints from other clients that had issues with OSTENT.. So can't say 100% everything will work, but it "should" :)

Best regards.