Under review

How to setup that at lamp turns off after 10minutes between specific time

Frank 8 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 3


I want to setup that if a specific light is switched on between 01.00 and 07.00 it only stays on for 10minutes. Any hints in configuring this in bOS configurator? Wich task? Is it operating time, Schedule, or Timer?

Under review


you can use schedule to set up the time you want your light to turn on and you can use our timer to specify the duration of the light to be turned on. You can watch our webinar on YouTube where both, Schedule and timer tasks are explained.


Thanks, but this is if any user turns on a specific lamp between 01 and 07 it should only be on for 10 minutes, and then automatically turned off. The rest of the day it should work as normal.


you can use our Program task to set that time period to activate the timer for just that time, which will turn the light off after 10 minutes.
