Tesla integration through "Teslamate" and MQTT

Joachim 3 years ago updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 10 months ago 1


I'm trying to integrate values from Teslamate to bOS. (Native support for Tesla would have been great)

I'm new to MQTT so bear with me...

MQTT-explorer shows everything is working fine. A selection of the topics available below:

Image 3599

Internal broker in bOS picks up all the messages:

Image 3600


Do I need to create new clients for every topic I want to subscribe to? If i make several subscriptions inside one client I just get the same value in all the subscritions. All of these clients is set up with the same clientID ("TeslaMate") and with the full path from MQTT explorer in the subscription topic. Please advice if this is wrong method. Note that none of the messages from the client ID "TeslaMate" is shown on the root page of the MQTT config (see above)

Image 3601

Question 2:

The log is flooded with "device is connected" messages from the clients. I'm not able to use the app properly due to this. How can I prevent it?

Image 3602

Question 3:

All of the topics I subscribe to is sent as text/string. It is not possible to configure the template for the value. Drop-down menu in the template window is missing. Tried to follow the method in the MQTT video on comfortclick's youtube channel with no luck.

Image 3603

Thank you for your attention


How far did you get with this? Have you tried to use tesla fleet API too? I got approved for tesla fleet but i dont own a tesla just yet - wondering anyone has done it already.

Q1: I think they should be within the same client, but the subscription topic should be different for every subscription you are interested in.
Q2: I think it has the same problem as with question 1 - too many request for one client.
Q3: I think you need to use parsers.