Under review

Controller not responding

kracsovics 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 10

My system seems to be working. I just noticed that the controler is not available. Can this cause that when I turn off a lamp with the wall switch or open a garage door with a remote control, its status does not change in the app? (still marks the gate as closed and the lamp is off)

Image 3110


Image 3109

Under review


controller itself doesn't have association settings (parameters or associations)

Association and parameters for feedback and any other settings are done on the devices themselves (selecting the device from the list and changing the association and parameter)

It is strange to see the controller as Not responding... Can you try and click Discovery again so the statuses refresh?

Best regards,


Of course, I tried the refresh configuration command. I also have two other devices with similar status. If I issue the refresh configuration command, its status will be configuration for a few seconds.



all statuses for these devices either say NotConfigurer or configuration, which means they weren't fully included, try to exclude these devices and include them back in.

If these are battery devices, try waking them up while including so the inclusion process goes trough. You can also try and click RefreshConfiguration function and wake up the device and see if the device status is: Ready

Best regards,


I have tried to add these battery devices again several times. Same result. I have now removed this CO sensor again and added it. Node ID changed from 39 to 41.

Can this error cause the switches and locks not to return true status?



are the other devices working normally? There could also be an issue on the device itself and the device might not be functioning 100%

Seems the device is not configured 100% and no association groups and parameters are visible.

We actually have a couple of fibaro CO devices in the office and they all work 100% so there shouldn't be any compatibiltiy issues..

Did you just remove and add again or did you go trough complete exclusion and inclusion process?

Best regards,


Only for battery-powered devices happens, that there is no association group. Since most are sensors and there was no alarm, so I don't know how they work. But it’s not just Fibaro, it’s Heiman and Danalock, too. The danalock lock works for sure, it just doesn’t return the open or closed status correctly, and I can’t set the association group either.

When I removed it, I used the exclusion and incluson commands.



make sure the device's status is = Ready, which means the device is fully included.
For battery devices, try waking them up while including so the inclusion process goes trough. You can also try and click RefreshConfiguration function and wake up the device and see if the device status is: Ready

If the device uses z-wave security (s0 or s2) some command classes may not be 100%  included in bOS 4 as securty is not yet supported, it will be released with the next version of bOS.

Best regards-


I spent a lot of time with a Heiman smoke detector. I removed and added it several times, tried the refresh configuration several times without success. Therefore, I thought that if the controller itself is not configurated, it will cause the other problems. 

Unfortunately, ready status is no guarantee of anything. The status of Danalock V3 is ready, but I still can't set the association group parameter.

I am confident that a future version will address these bugs, I would be satisfied as long as the status feedback would work. I wanted to make a away home button,

that turns off the lights, closes the doors, turns on the alarm, but I got stuck because of it.



as mentioned before, danalock uses z-wave secure and some functions aren't functioning.

We actually have the same device here and the same stats are visible.

You are able to control the device, but feedback and other functions are limited.

We're working on integrating and adding z-wave secure into bOS so more devices will be supported.

Best regards,


I mostly have Z-wave devices, so I have to wait until the next version for this problem to be resolved, doesnt depend on the brand. Likewise, the status is not feeded back by the qubino dimmer, the danalock lock, the aeotec garage opener. When is the new version expected?