
Lutron lighting integration

Pavel Kulko 8 years ago updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 3

I have Lutron - Homeworks 4 series controller for the lighting in my house. It is possible to connect to it and control lights remotely using their smartphone application. The connection protocol which is used in the smartphone application is called HW Illumination. Is it possible to connect to from bOS using one of your supported protocols?



Hello,you could try with our Basic driver via Serial or TCP/UDP, but for now our Basic driver supports only one way communication so you wont be able to get status of the devices, but you will be able to control them.


Hello,you could try with our Basic driver via Serial or TCP/UDP, but for now our Basic driver supports only one way communication so you wont be able to get status of the devices, but you will be able to control them.

I was able to connect to the Lutron Homeworks 4 controller from bOS using your Basic driver. The controller is using Telnet protocol for communication. So I just record telnet commands for each key and then copy them as an ASCII command for the Basic driver. That works well. But it was pity to find out that there is no way to process Telnet responses from the controller using your Basic driver. I believe this should be something easy to implement in your driver because I can see these responses as a sequence of Hex codes in the bOS monitor logs. All you need to do is to allow some sort of translation for these responses using regular expressions for example. Do you think you can do that? Or maybe you can provide a source code or API so that I could implement it?


yes we know and we are already working on that feature, we will try to release it as soon as possible. We are also working on SDK which will probably be available next year.
