Reliability of automations. Simple daily automation triggers on random days.

Joachim 6 years ago updated by Fabien Fuster 6 years ago 12

I'm having trouble getting simple automations to work reliable.


I want to switch on and off my outside lamps (two KNX devices) using the Sun variables.

I have tried using "Sun.Day" without success and now I'm trying the Sun.NotDay variable.

Here is my program task:

Image 1788

Here is the current values of the Sun:

Image 1786

And here you see my lights are currently still on: (!)

Image 1789


I have made a button in my visu to run the program and when I push it the lights turn on/off instantly. So for some reason it does not trigger correctly.


Hi Joachim,

Your program looks good, I don't see any reason why it is not working properly.

For info, to make your program lighter, you could use "if /else".

Now, the only thing I recommend to try, is to restart the server. I had to do so when making several changes to the configuration to have them really be taken into account and working properly. Not always necessary, but sometime a must...

Hope this will fix it.


Thanks. I have tried to use the If/else previously with no better luck. The program runs great when I trigger it manually so there is something with the triggering. I will try a reboot (again).


I find it quite strange that it doesn't work...

Today I've created a task with NotDay, and Night, to see what happens. So later in the evening I will tell you if any of the triggers worked...

Hi both,

Did the same yesterday evening. Created a test program with NotDay trigger, simillar to Joachim's need. It did work well on my side...


I can also confirm that's working for me. Just checked a few minutes ago.

Working both Night trigger, and NotDay trigger...

thanks guys. Do you also run 4.4.4? What is latest version and what's beta? Mine didn't work this morning or this evening...


I'm using the latest stable release (4.4.4).

I'm not a fan of using beta versions, unless for testing on a non working environment.

So if you're using beta, I advise you to install the stable release.

Best regards

it says 4.4.4, but I have tried a couple of times to install the beta. Seems like it has not been installed

Unfortunately, the version number displayed will not change... 

You can find however some info under C:\Program Files (x86)\ComfortClick\bOS Server\Update\ 

Strange that correct version is not shown in  the interface? I'm using their jigsaw/raspberry pi unit so I'm not able to check that.

I did a "repair bOS server" and also moved the folder with the program from Tasks to Devices\KNX.

Not sure what did the trick but it is now working fine for the last two triggerings.

Nice to read you got it to work !

I believe the repair made it work as my test program was under Tasks not under Devices\KNX. Anyway, most important is it works.