Under review

RGB colorpanel brightness value

Allar Valksaare 11 months ago updated by ComfortClick Support 11 months ago 2


Please fix the buggy color palet settings in CC

red 60

green 40

blue 20

brigthness 100

if i turn the brightness 50% down in Client

it should go to 

red 30

green 40
blue 10

but usually the brightness value goes to 0 on some devices, it should be done with a division not substraction calculation

The color picker in BosConfig has the white plack vertical bar, this works brilliantly. please make the improvement.

Also, increase the step size for the picker for the client app, 10 is not enough to get results

sorry my fault, type-o in green

if i turn the brightness 50% down in Client

it should go to

red 30

green 20
blue 10

Under review

Hello Allar,

thank you for pointing out the brightness issue, we have identified the issue and will resolve it with the future update.

Best regards.