Under review

IR Trans

Giordano Olmi 8 years ago updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 1

Dear all,
I have one device IR Trans for control remote IR
I don't know how to do program it
How can I learn the IR Control?
Do you have any exemple?
Thank you for your help
Kind Regards

Under review


you can try and use this example of IR Trans for remote control. If you have additional questions, please open our support ticket:

  1. Login to your account on our web page http://www.comfortclick.com/ (or create an account if you don't have one).
  2. Click on your User name (upper right corner) and select Support Tickets from the drop down menu.
  3. Create a New Ticket

We'll get back to you in the shortest possible time.

Note: That support might be billable.

Best regards.
