Under review

Error launching client after transfering the project to a new Computer

João Ferreira 7 years ago updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 7


I restored and old configuration made with other computer to a new computer and everything seems to be ok.

But when I launch the Client I get the following error:

"Can not connect with this profile. Profile key does not match

the server key. Possible security violation. "

I re-instaled everything and deleted everything but I still cannot launch the Client.

I have also removed the controller from my account in order to add it again.

Could you help ?

Thank you

Under review


this message usually occurs when settings are changed while the controller is still added to your Controllers list (in your client). Open you client, select the controller you want to connect to, and delete it. Then try adding the controller back to your client list, this usually resolves this issue with Profile key not matching the server.


Hello, thank you for your feedback.

When I was trying some ways in order to pass this error I have deleted the controller in my account, so now I get the revoked status in bOS Configurator. I have already Reported through the Configurator, please could you activate my license?

I will try to delete the controller from the client like you have said but it is a bit strange because I installed the client in a new computer.

Thank you,

João Ferreira


could you provide the access ID or the ID of the controller?

If you still have trouble with Profile key, we can schedule a teamviewer session and we can try to resolve the issue.



The ID is 3762 or Machine ID is D0DF9A5DEFBF

Thank you


try pressing the fresh button.



Thank you ! Everything is working now !

Great to hear everything is working!

Best regards.