The sensibo integration is not allways working

Joaquim Matos 2 weeks ago in Devices / Http updated 2 weeks ago 2

The integration using the available HTTP example no longer works properly and the following happens:

- every two minutes the connection is established

- Lasts about 30s and turns off again

- I can't find any parameter with these values in the configuration

- during the 30s I can give commands, for example on/off, but after that it's not possible, although sometimes I can (it's random).

- The response message is "ok" when the connection is achieved and "TooManyRequests" when there is no connection.

Can you help please

Hi Joaquim

You can download new sensibo driver here, fix apikey parameter lost during operation.
Currently it seems that sensibo has limited the number of requests to the API. By default I am setting it to 1s, you can increase the time to 10-20s

Hi Bao,

Thanks for the quick response.

The behavior I described is already with this new driver that I had already loaded. The time I parameterized was 15s.

I also raised the issue with Sensibo and they responded that the API rate limit is 10 every 10 seconds.

Is there anything that justifies the HTTP connection being made every 2 minutes and being lost after a few seconds? 

Thank you very much for your help.