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Under review

resetting the client password

DiLight-Smart Solution Ltd DiL 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1


i would like to ask for a option to give the customer the ability to reset his password. similar to any other systems that when you forget the password the system send you email asking you to enter new password.

we have situations that customer change the password and we need to send you files to retrieve the password. this is annoying and bother both sides (Comfortclick, integrator and end user).

please create a tool that allow the integrator to enable the end customer to reset his password.

Under review

Frontend design (printscreen sharing)

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 6 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by Tasos Tsimpogiannis 7 months ago 29

Hello everyone,

I'm always curious about the templates from bOS users. I think it would be a cool idea to share some printscreens.

Sharing is good! All of us can learn and share. No need to share all the menus, just a quick view. So here it goes my home template:

Image 1315


HEX for text

imperialbms 7 years ago in Devices / Basic updated by Dániel Czibolya 3 years ago 1

I'm new, and I'm having trouble displaying the current text from the DENON AVR amplifier. The text is only displayed in HEX format, do you know how much this value can be converted to text?


anyone using amazon echo?

Andy Gill 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by Jose Puig 6 years ago 8

just got an Echo and it impressive, anyone working with it and BOS?


Trigger Alexa Routines using bOS - IKEA TRÅDFRI light example

Flávio Sanches (ComfortClick) 3 years ago in bOS Configurator / Alexa updated by De Landtsheer Michael 2 years ago 1

Hello everyone. We have just published a new video showing how to trigger an Alexa Routine using bOS. This can be very useful for everyone who already has Alexa integrated into bOS (Alexa integration tutorial) and would like to control some Alexa-supported devices via bOS.

In this example, we use a Virtual Button to turn an IKEA TRÅDFRI Zigbee light on and off.

Youtube video

Z-Wave stick Aeotec "Error connecting to device. No Ack" message

Francois Lesueur 3 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated by Simen Hagen 5 months ago 2


I'm using ComfortClick servers, but because I had a problem with one of the servers, I had to go back to a windows machine for a few days. 

Since I was using a Z-Wave Aeotec stick on the ComfortClick server, I thought it would be straightforward to use it on the PC : just plug and play.... well, not at all. I got the following message each time the server attempted to send a message to the stick "Error connecting to device. No Ack". 

It was driving me mad... I tried all kind of settings, and eventually found the solution - so just posting the question and the answer in case you face it so that you don't get crazy. 

When connecting the Z-Wave stick, Windows (7) is installing automatically the standard USB to COM drivers. But they are no good for the Aeotec stick. Some special Aeotec drivers must be installed in place of the standard ones. They can be found on 


This fixed the issue :-)


Satel security system output control

Allar Valksaare 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Łukasz Klinger 2 years ago 1

I would like to know when can we control Satel integra ouputs with CC, i need to integrate a complete Satel smart home system to Bos and currently it is a huge workarounds to get the output states and output controls to bos

Can you add Satel output control to Bos cause this style of integrations is very very needed.
Next issue - integration to the alarm system is a good thing but changing the code of a user is also needed.
possible solution would be following - if you know the code for the user, then according to the open protocol hex sheet you can send a command -> (user1) with code 1111 -> change code 1111 -> 2222 = (user1) code now is 2222, for it to work you need to know the code of the user, so there will not be a need to create a new user, giving it security levels, rights and access to partitions or anything else. 


DAIKIN AC Units controlled via Wi-Fi

Ghita Laurentiu 4 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Claudiu Ghisoiu 1 year ago 7

Hello everybody,

I've managed to integrate my DAIKIN AC units (Wi-Fi connected) in bOS so I can control them easily and use them in any scene. 

The only thing that you need is to change the IP to match the IP of your units. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to ask if is something that does not work as you wish. 

Daikin AC Unit.bos

All the best,


Under review

RegEx Parsec

Marco Magnani 6 years ago in Devices / Http updated 6 years ago 5


I try to use RegEx to collect some value data of my weather station (WS) from an HTML page. Unfortunately, the weather station doesn’t support API or XML, so from Http Device I import with success the WS html page in text and after I use RegEx to parsec it

The problem is that the RegEx implemented in bOS seams don’t manage the Capturing Group (in the picture is the $1) but only the matched string.

What I did was to select a specific part of the html imported page (the highlighted in the picture in green) and after extract the number 51 that is the value that I need to collect and associate to the integer variable in bOS as reported in the piture

Due to the WS uses almost the same html code to provide other sensors values ( e.g. for Outdor temp: <td bgcolor="#EDEFEF"><input name="outTemp" disabled="disabled" type="text" class="item_2" style="WIDTH: 80px" value="26.7" maxlength="8"></td>

I had to select the part of html code that contains the specific value number that I need to collect and use the capturing group to extract from the selected html code part the sensor value, but this regex sentence in bOS it seams doesn’t work

Can you help me to manage this issue or implement in bOS a way to manage the Capturing Group, please?


Image 1486



Jürgen Jürgenson 1 year ago in Devices / Http updated 6 months ago 3

It's year 2023, the AI bots will take over the "world" so here is a template for it for bOS too...Kodu-Http (OpenAI) (1.2).bos

Right now it works just as a outdated google search with better logic or smth. Somehow the image generator crashes the http driver. Remember everything is in beta.

To get it working you need to make a account for OpenAI and generate your API key.

1. insert it here - for both completions and image generator commands YOUR_KEY.

Image 4432

2. You can ask the AI your question and it should respond. Made a TTS for it's  answers too so its extra creepy.

Image 4434

FYI it's not as good as the web page bot - for longer answers sometimes it doesn't give out the full info and I've seen that some of codes may go missing. In theory you can make it give you suggestions automatically too. If it gives you a BadRequest error see if the input is all in one line. It does not like it when some text is on a new line.

Happy new year!