Under review

Error connecting when port number are changed

Frank Nilsen 7 years ago in bOS Server updated by Roger De Backer 7 years ago 5

Due to restrictions on opening port 443 in my firewall, I have to change default ports in comfortclick server to reach it from the internet.

First I stop the services in bOS Service Monitor

Then I change the port numbers in the BOSService.exe config file: (http and https)

    <add key="EventServiceUri" value="net.tcp://localhost:16100/" />
    <add key="HttpsServiceUri" value="https://localhost:8443/" />
    <add key="HttpServiceUri" value="http://localhost:8080/" />
    <add key="RPCServiceUri" value="http://localhost:81/" />

And then start the services in bOS Service Monitor

When started I cannot connect to the server with any clients. (mobile or pc client)

From a web browser I get these results:

http://bosIP:8080 works fine

https://bosIP:8443 does not work.

When changed back (to 80 and 443) everything works fine...

Any ideas?

Under review


apologies for a delayed response, we had a national holiday in between and were out of the office.

You can try deleting the ComfortClick certificate and try connecting again.

Try stopping the server, change the ports as you did, and delete certificate (to delete the certificate, in windows search, Type: certml.msc, go to Personal/certificates and delete comfortclick. Start the server again and try connecting.


Works like a charm when I deleted the cert. Thanks.

After running inti the same problem as Frank Nilsen, I changed my BOSService.exe.config file exactly as he did and followed your advice (or tried to), but certml.msc opens in the internet explorer browser. Then, after searching the web, I opened the certificate manager with certmgr-msc and then a window with certificates opened, but there is no certificate with the name comfortclick under "personal", only one with my name "roger".which is allegedly for "encrypting file system". But the BOSService monitor still says:


HTTP Service:
ERROR:HTTP could not register URL http://+:80/. Another application has already registered this URL with HTTP.SYS.

HTTPS Service:
RPC Service:


    <add key="EventServiceUri" value="net.tcp://localhost:16100/" />
    <add key="HttpsServiceUri" value="https://localhost:8443/" />
    <add key="HttpServiceUri" value="http://localhost:8080/" />
    <add key="RPCServiceUri" value="http://localhost:81/" />
    <add key="EnableRPC" value="True" />
    <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />

Kind regards

Roger De Backer


sometimes windows tries to help you by predict your entry and open certmgr.msc, which will not contain the correct certificates. Make sure you're trying to open the certificates, make sure you're opening the correct one.

Also, sometimes when you get the error message: Another application has already registered this URL, program Skype or any similar program could use this, so try stopping the server, close Skype or any similar program and start the server again and check if the error persists.


The bOS Service Monitor now works without displaying an error message. Thank you.